The Mystery of Holy Baptism -...

The Mystery of Holy Baptism - Patristic interpretation and the present reality

Hieromonk Gregorios
5,00 €
με ΦΠΑ


This small book is about Holy Baptism, the Mystery of Man's birth in Christ. Its aim is to make known the divine gifts that we received when we were baptized, so that subsequently we may participate in this holy Mystery with corresponding reverence and fear of God. 

St. John Chrysostom says that in Holy Baptism, "the magnitude of God's gifts surpasses all expression and thought". Everyone receives these divine gifts but unfortunately we go on to tarnish our radiant baptismal garment. If we understand the measure of these divine gifts, then we will be grateful to the Gift-giver and labor spiritually for the healing of our soul by means of repentance. Furthermore, those who serve as godparents will understand both the honor and responsibility which will accompany them throughout their lives.


1. Prologue
2. Holy Baptism is the Beginning of the Life in Christ
3. Holy Chrism
4. Historical Overview
5. The Celebration of the Mystery
6. The Symbolism of the Material Elements
7. The Present Reality
8. Holy Baptism and Observing the Divine Commandments
9. Epilogue: Catechesis for the Newly-illumined

17 x 12
Hieromonk Gregorios
Cell of St. John the Theologian, Koutloumousiou Monastery, Mount Athos

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