Spyros Papaloukas - The Mount Athos...

Spyros Papaloukas - The Mount Athos paintings

Spyros Papaloukas
50,00 €
με ΦΠΑ


The aim of this book is to present as exhaustively as possible the work of Spyros Papaloukas that is thematically related to Mount Athos. It includes paintings made during his sojourn on the Holy Mountain, paintings made later under a different perspective and copies or studies of works of Byzantine art. It also includes some hitherto unknown small-sized oil paintings; they were done from life and formed the basis for larger sized works made most likely at the artist’s studio at Karyes. Unfortunately, not all paintings were available for first hand inspection and consequently for some of the works presented here, measurements and dates are approximate. Some works should be considered lost because their present owner is untraceable. When photos of them were available they have been included purely for scholarly documentation.

(From the introduction by Markos Kambanis)

32 x 25
Spyros Papaloukas
The Mount Athos Art Archive
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