On hope & repentance
5,00 €
με ΦΠΑ


This booklet is a translation into English of a talk that was given by our revered Elder, Archiman­drite Aimilianos of Simonos Petras, on 4 March 1989 to the monastic community of the Holy Con­vent of the Annunciation, Ormylia, Halkidiki, under the title On Hope and Repentance. It is a brief commentary on a chapter by our holy father among the saints, Peter of Damaskos: That we should not despair even if we sin many times, which can be found in The Philokalia.

As we carefully ecxavate the ‘golden earth’, which is the word and spirit of the Elder, we will find a wealth of hidden treasures. Searching more deeply and persistently, we will amass priceless gifts of encouragement, hope, faith, a willing dis­position for struggle, repentance, and gratitude to­wards our benevolent and loving God, “for Whom everything is possible, and nothing is impossible” (cf Job 42:2).

As the world struggles today in the secular at­mosphere, which pervades the grind of our every­day life, we fervently and ardently pray that the word, mystical prayers, protection, paternal love and blessing of our Elder, will accompany and en­courage all of us—from those who have contrib­uted to this publication to the very last reader.

The Abbot of the Holy Monastery of Simonos Petras

Archimandrite Elisaios

21 x 12
Archimandrite Aimilianos of Simonopetra

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